cindy's crafts

Friday, February 24, 2006

I finished my second felt tote last night. I love it!! It is the Oregon tote. I used WOTA pumpkin and maple syrup and patons classic wool in rich red. The straps are a little shorter than what I thought they would be. The next time I will make them at least 10 inches longer than the pattern calls for.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Well my first tote bag is knitted and sewed together. It is already for felting but we have no water!! No I can't run the washer. A pipe broke under the kitchen sink yesterday and we had to turn off the water to the house until the plumber can come. I can't wait until I can get this felted to see how it turns out.

After felting. I am really pleased in how it turned out. But I will never use towels for the agitation factor again!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

I started a new project this morning. I am making Fiber Trends fabulous felted tote in the small size. I am using Clover circular needles and loving them! I have only used steel or plastic needles in the past so am getting very spoiled with these bamboo needles. The yarn just flows over them. This is my first felted project but I have several more waiting in the wings. I will be posting pictures when it gets big enough on the needles to see some form.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

My first finished knit project!! I should have made it bigger but was really inpatient to see what it looked like finished. I found out that there is LYS in the next town. YEA!! I went there yesterday and spent way too much money. I got bamboo needles and a pattern for a felted tote. I can't wait to start it.